Homepage / Press-center / News / Congratulations from Eurasian Office President on the Occasion of the International Intellectual Property Day

Alexander Grigoriev

Ladies and Gentlemen!
Esteemed Colleagues!

The International Intellectual Property Day, marked on a spring day of 26 April 2005, embodies nature’s eternal youth and mankind’s creative and intellectual prowess.

Think, imagine, create is not only the motto of this year’s occasion, addressed by the World Intellectual Property Organization to the world’s young men and women and the older generation who have lost none of their creativity. It is also a brief algorithm for the creation and commercialization of inventions adding to the sum total of mankind’s material and spiritual wealth, and a pledge of its survival and future progress.

The Eurasian Patent Organization and the Eurasian Office with other foremost intellectual property organizations are doing everything in their power to encourage the process of innovation, provide strong legal protection to inventors and promptly inform the international community about the fruit of their work.

We admire the ingenuity of many inventions, including some patented with the help of the Eurasian procedure, and the depth and thoroughness with which they were documented. They reflect the striving to gain insights into the workings of nature and the universe, and to make the world a better place to live in.

On behalf of the Eurasian Patent Organization, on this occasion of the International Intellectual Property Day I should like to congratulate inventors, young ones and old hands alike, as well as all those who protect their inventions or help in their commercialization by creating favorable political, legal and socio-economic conditions.

I wish you every success in your creative endeavors. May they bring satisfaction, joy and happiness of involvement in the process of creating a better future for all, to you and your associates.

Alexander Grigoriev,
President, the Eurasian Office