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The development of legal mechanisms for IP protection directly affects the public’s access to essential medicines. Representatives of the national IP offices of the Eurasian region, government authorities and industry leaders discussed practical tools for business in the field of intellectual property in the Eurasian space within the framework of the EAPO and at the First International Conference “IP Eurasia’22: Space of Innovation”.

The event opened with a welcome message from Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, which was read by Yuri Zubov, Head of Rospatent: “IP Eurasia Conference is an important stage of cooperation between the Eurasian region countries in the healthcare issues. The role of intellectual property in providing society with medicines is obvious. Russia is the leading country with a significant number of inventions aimed at treating coronavirus.”

Grigory Ivliev, President of the Eurasian Patent Office, noted that “all restrictions in the field of intellectual property and public health are inhumane”, and “IP is the most important means of promoting the values of humanism in the world.” Sergey Kabyshev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, addressed to the participants with a welcoming speech: “In terms of geopolitical tensions, it is important to determine a vector that will allow us to effectively respond to the problems of providing the population with essential medicines.” Tadzio Schilling, General Director of the Association of European Businesses, also greeted the participants: “Production of a wide range of modern innovative medicines has become possible due to international cooperation and the improvement of the IP system. Compliance with patent rights is the key to investments in Russia and other countries.”

Speakers of “IP Eurasia’22” noted the trend of increasing patent activity in the field of healthcare, chemistry and biotechnology in their countries. Yuri Zubov, Head of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, reminded that the Russian Gamaleya Institute vaccine against COVID-19 was registered first in the world in record time. The Head of Rospatent noted the importance of accelerating the process of introducing medicines into the market. Yerbol Ospanov, Director of National Institute of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan noted that one of the trends in the regulation of the sphere in Kazakhstan was the accelerated examination of applications for high-tech patents.

The pharmaceutical market is one of the most dynamic. Mirzo Ismoilzoda, Director of the National Patent Information Center of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, pointed out that international cooperation increases the efficiency of pharmaceutical development and facilitates production scaling.

Kamran Imanov, Chairman of the Board of the Agency for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Azerbaijan, noted the key problem that slows down the growth of innovation – the improper structure of financing. Successful development of the pharmaceutical industry requires investments to increase motivation to commercialize the results of intellectual activity.

With digitalization, the issues of IP protecting are becoming more and more acute. Vladimir Ryabovolov, Director General of the National Center for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Belarus, encouraged the initiative to create a universal space for an open dialogue between inventors, entrepreneurs and patent examiners: “The results of intellectual property stimulate the transition of humanity to a new level of evolution, implementation in the healthcare field is extremely important.”

Kristine Hambaryan, Head of the Intellectual Property Office of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia, underlined that the success of the pharmaceutical industry depends on the development of legislation regulating patent protection mechanisms. Alexandra Arakelova, Rector of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, noted the enlightening nature of the Conference, since “intellectual property is an open and dynamic system, and education and training play a significant role in this system.”

The conference program “IP Eurasia’22: Space of Innovation” includes 11 events of various formats: panel discussions for inventors, patent attorneys, representatives of the pharmaceutical industry, IP battle, master classes, an exhibition and a business game for students.

Photo bank of the event