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President of the Eurasian Patent Office of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) Saule Tlevlessova gave an interview to the Chinese newspaper China Intellectual Property News (issue of August 29, 2018).

EAPO President evaluated highly China’s efforts to implement the One Belt, One Road Initiative and noted the country’s significant achievements in building the national intellectual property system thanks to the direct support of the government and the Chinese society’s broad understanding of the importance of intellectual property.

Ms. Tlevlessova spoke about the activities of the Member States of the Eurasian Patent Organization towards the development of national intellectual property systems, the basic principles of the functioning of the organization, the role of the Eurasian patent in the protection of foreign investments, and encouraged Chinese applicants for more active use of the Eurasian patent system.

S. Tlevlessova expressed satisfaction with the level of bilateral cooperation between the Eurasian Patent Office and the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA, previously SIPO), and confidence in the further continuation of mutually beneficial cooperation between EAPO and CNIPA.

Concluding, EAPO President said: “The intellectual property sphere is in the golden age of its development. Just a decade ago, the governments and industries of many countries were not aware of the full significance of intellectual property rights … Whether we can transform intellectual property into an instrument for economic growth depends on us alone. “