Homepage / Press-center / News / A video conferencing system that converts voice and even sign language into text was invented in Russia


Sber has patented the invention with the Eurasian Patent Office.

Video calls have become an integral part of our lives. They help people communicate while living in different cities. Video calls allow relatives to see their children growing up and colleagues to have work meetings. Conferences, symposiums, lectures and training seminars are more often held remotely.

Russian inventors have improved the quality of such activities. They reduced the likelihood of missing important information and distorting the context of the report or discussion.

Advanced videoconferencing converts voice and visual information, including sign language, into text or graphics. For example, when one person has not finished speaking and another has already started, the first person’s statement will be summarized in text format. The system uses an advanced artificial intelligence model in which the converted information is marked with special flag identifiers. The system is also equipped with AR (Augmented Reality) masks, which enable the integration of supplementary information in the form of ‘augmented reality’ into the information stream.

This new invention provides anyone engaged in remote communication, especially those with hearing impairments, with wider opportunities. It will assist in reducing the amount of useful information lost and directing the participants’ attention toward important aspects during videoconferences.