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An exhibition marking the 30th anniversary of the Eurasian Patent Convention opened at WIPO in Geneva. This anniversary is an opportunity to recall our history and look into the future. More than 70,000 patent applications have been filed since then.

The exhibition provides information on the technological achievements of young innovators from the EAPO Member States. Turkmenistan has developed a system for cleaning oil-contaminated soils with the help of microorganisms. There are a lot of developments in medicine. A device for delivering and positioning an implant in blood vessels has been invented in Belarus. A more accurate method for assessing visual acuity in preschool children has been developed in Tajikistan. A method for cardiac pump system implantation for supporting the left ventricle has been invented in Kazakhstan. For more information, please follow the link.

“The traditions and culture of Eurasian countries are inexhaustible. Today we are presenting only a small part of the unique, large-scale, and diverse Eurasian space. Eurasian inventors have great potential to contribute to a better and more sustainable future for all of us,” Grigory Ivliev, President of the Eurasian Patent Office, welcomed the attendees to the exhibition.

Musicians from Armenia and Kyrgyzstan performed at the opening ceremony. All Eurasian countries, EAPO Member States, organized a degustation of their national dishes.

WIPO Assistant Director General Marco Aleman, Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the UN Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva Vepa Hajiyev, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva Gennady Gatilov, diplomats and participants in the meetings of the Assemblies of WIPO Member States took part in the inauguration of the exhibition.