Forum organizers: Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent), Federal Institute of Industrial Property (FIPS), Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO), UNESCO Chair on Copyright, Neighboring, Cultural and Information Rights at the «Higher School of Economics» (UNESCO Chair at HSE University), Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RGAIS).

The conference is traditionally timed to the International Book and Copyright Day (April 23), declared by UNESCO, and the International Intellectual Property Day (April 26), declared by WIPO. The forum is organized as an associated event of the XXV Yasin International Scientific Conference on Problems of Economic and Social Development (Higher School of Economics).

Representatives of relevant government authorities, the Intellectual Property Rights Court, creative unions, authors societies, as well as prominent Russian and foreign jurists, patent attorneys, lawyers, inventors, public figures are invited to participate in the conference, as well as legal practitioners, students, graduate students, teachers and researchers from Russia and foreign countries.

The topic of the conference is “Authorship in the Age of Integration”.

The plenary session will be held on Thursday, April 18, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Rospatent Headquarters (Moscow, Berezhkovskaya Naberezhnaya, 24, building 1) followed by a joint meeting of the sections of Rospatent and FIPS “The Author at the Epicenter of Digital Transformation” will be held from 14.30 to 18.00.

On Friday, April 19, 2024, meetings of the following sections will be held:

— EAPO section “Protection of intellectual property as the most important instrument of integration policy in the Eurasian space” — from 10.00 to 16.00 at the EAPO Headquarter (Moscow, M. Cherkassky per., 2);

— RGAIS section “Triad of intellectual capital: synthesis, synergy, development” — from 10.00 to 16.00 at the RGAIS premises (Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 55a);

— section of the UNESCO Chair at the HSE University “Innovative ways of monetizing the results of creative activity” — from 10.00 to 16.00 at the building of the Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Pokrovsky Boulevard, 11).

The conference format is offline with the possibility of online participation  for non-residents and public broadcasting. Working languages of the conference are Russian and English. Participation in the conference is free.

Applications for participation in the conference are accepted on the website of the UNESCO Chair at the HSE University: for speakers — from January 15 to March 25, 2024; for participants — from January 15 to April 12, 2024.

You can also take part in the expert survey “Artificial art: a window into creativity or paper flowers for a mechanical piano?”

Registration of offline participants on conference days begins one hour before the opening of the meeting.

The conference program is formed on the basis of received applications, which are considered by the Organizing Committee taking into account the content of the abstracts of the reports. Abstracts should be sent to

Nonresident and foreign speakers whose presentations will be included in the conference program will be able, if necessary, to receive personal invitations to arrange a business trip. After the conference, speakers will be able to receive the appropriate certificates (Certificate of Attendance).

Reports of conference participants that meet the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for the content and design of scientific articles can be published in the quarterly journal of the UNESCO Chair of the Higher School of Economics «Works on Intellectual Property» and the magazine «Copyright» Vestnik RGAIS (included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission), as well as in FIPS Bulletin.


Rospatent — Daria Shipitsyna,   +7 (499) 243-73-91, ext. 7701;

EAPO – Natalya Romashova (EAPO),,  +7 (495) 411-61-61, ext.107;

UNESCO Chair – Maria Katkova,,  +7 (985) 455-07-77;

RGAIS – Olga Tereshchenko,  +7 (926) 361-77-29.